EPPiC Broadcast

The Science of the Teenage Brain with Jane Anderson

Parental Rights Foundation Season 9 Episode 4

Today, we welcome Jane Anderson onto the podcast. Dr. Anderson is the Vice President of the American College of Pediatricians, and author of the paper “The Teenage Brain: Under Construction.” She gives us a crash course on how the teenage brain functions, and shows how science supports the idea that teenagers’ brains are not mature enough to make informed decisions yet on medical treatment and other important life decisions. She highlights the crucial role that parents play during these years as their children’s brains are learning how to fully function, and provides practical ways that parents can support their teenage children. 

The EPPiC Broadcast is hosted by Michael Ramey, president of the Parental Rights Foundation. You can sign up for email alerts to keep yourself informed on parental rights news at https://parentalrightsfoundation.org/get-involved/.

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